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Saturday, July 24, 2010

hati dan perasaan

bukan senang mnjaga hati yang selalu mudah menderita..

dr aku kecil,aku telah melalui bermacam dugaan dlm hidupku,katalah ap shja,insyaALLAH,aku taw betapa perit dan berharganya hidup ini kepada org yang mendambakan pahala dugaanNYA.alhamdullah,stakat ini,aku masih teguh dengan imanku,,,

insyaALLAH,aku akan terus bersyukur kerana aku tahu semua dugaan ini tuhan turunkan kepadaku kerana tuhan menyayangiku dan....

لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها. لها ما كسبت وعليها ما اكتسبت
ربنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأن ا. ربنا ولا تحمل علينا إصرا كما حملته على الذين من
قبلنا. ربنا ولا تحملنا ما لا طاقة لنا به . واعف عن ا، واغفر لن ا، وارحمنا أ نت مولانا فانصرنا على
القوم الكافرين

"Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Dia mendapat pahala daripada kebajikan yang dikerjakannya dan dia mendapat siksa daripada kejahatan yang diperbuatnya, mereka berdoa " ya Tuhan kami, janganlah engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau melakukan kesalahan, Ya Tuhan kami janganlah Engkau bebani kami dengan beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan pada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kapada kami apa yang tidak sanggup kami memikulnya. Maafkanlah kami, ampunilah kami, dan rahmatilah kami, Engkaulah pelindung kami, maka tolonglah kami menghadapi orang-orang kafir.

oleh itu sahabat yang mengerti ap yang aku nak ckp ni,walau ssush mana pon hidup kita skrg,kita harus tabah dan kuat untuk aorg sekeliling kita,insyaALLAH,setiap kebaikan yang kita niat dan kita buat,tahan akan membalasnya dengan berbagai kebaikan...amin,semoga kita tergolong dalam orang yang dirahmati,,

mama,kaulah permataku..

dear mama,

its been like 13 years u have been gone from me,knowing that u always with me in my life,even in the critical-est situation,i still believe that u still around me.

but,this lately days,i dont feel that u were around anymore,
where are you?
i have been so messed up right now,
i got so many problems with my surround n myself,help me mama,
i feel so weak right now,
i cant stop crying even for 5 minutes,
i still need the calm in my soul,dont take it away,dya rindu mama,dya rse dah x mampu nak harungi semua ni sorang2,
dya taw,allah sentiasa ad,
dya slalu doa pnjang,harap keadaan x jd kusut mcm skng,..

dya kesian kat abg,dye jd mangse keadaan,dya yakin,semua org ad slah sniri,x adil kalau dya slhkan satu pihak jew,tp,mama,

ya allah,bglah aku petunjuk ap yang perlu aku lakukan,

kuatkan lah hatiku dalam menempuhi ujianmu ya tuhan,aku syang kepadamu allah,jdkan aku serikandi islam yang kuat,,amin..

Friday, July 16, 2010

how actually we gonna do when we are in great trouble;commonly=.='

how if i say that most of my problems got solved by using my additional mathematics skills?


obstacles and problems~

to solve it;
it's all about understanding the problems and knows how to solve it,

people ends with dead way or either losing off their life;it's because of,well,for me:


to be continued,got something to do,

Monday, July 12, 2010

what do you think of the human as a creation?what do you think can be done to upgrade this creation?

Human as a god’s creation is a private creatures,goes as same as socialities,morality and religious creatures.

The nature of the human as a private creatures,goes as same as socialities,morality and religious creatures has to be develop balancely and compatibely.its also has to be noticed that human have their own meaning or value in their connection with the others in the community.every human have have their own abilities on ways of surviving in life that make the different on each human.without this variteis of human,or the societies,everyone cannot manage his life in good ways.

An understanding that humans were created by and in God’s image contributes significantly to our confidence in the essential meaningfulness of human existence. It frames our worldview and delineates the God fearing from those who pledge allegiance to various forms of god’s creation.appreciating the profundity of human creation helps people recognize both our irrelevance in comparism to god and our distinctiveness in relation to the rest of creation.

Since the mid-19th century, the concept of human nature has been called into question by thinkers such as Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche,Sartre, a number of structuralists and postmodernists.Scientific perspectives such as behaviorism, determinism, and the chemical model within modern psychiatry and psychology, are neutral regarding human nature. They can be offered to explain its origins and underlying mechanisms, or to demonstrate capacities for change and diversity which would arguably violate the concept of a fixed human nature.

Firstly, lets talk about this amazing creatures in few sides.then we will discuss about how to upgrade this invention.

Let us go to first side of view,the most important one(at least for me);religion.

Abrahamic religions (most notably Judaism, Christianity and Islam) hold that a human is a spiritual being which was deliberately created (ex nihilo) by a single God in his image (according to the former two), and exists in continued relationship with God. Good and evil are defined in terms of how well humans conform to God's character or God's law.

Some astrologers believe that a person's personality and many of the challenges they will face in life are determined by the placements of the planets, each represents different aspects of their mental,religion and physical nature. At the time of birth they may use many different techniques to 'guesstimate' the issues that will unfold throughout their lives and the actions that can be taken to gain the best results.We also know somehow the believing of a religion are differ depending in the placement of the person.that is why,somehow,the worship of are different eventhough if comparing between two people in the same religion or believe.

The second side is the view from is the societies;human as a individual creatures.

As an individual creation,it is very important for us;human for acting in the way not all instinctive merely.human that are usually known as homo sapien has minded brain that can be used to think and acting properly.With that mind or sense,human can diverge his potencials;art works,inventions,and intentions.With this efforts,human can develop himself to be an outstanding creature;the most perfect God’s creature.the development of human in the individual way takes like tens year to make him a mature and a perfects creation(manage to make his own decision and to think properly).The ability of a human to think make him learns all the ways of his life ang along the journey of the life.

The third side;human as a socialities creatures.

In human’s life,he will never live alone.human have a desire to be socialise among themselves.this is one of the ways human always want to be confront with the others.this thisng also shows an independent condition.In the next human generation or life,it is always live as a community of a national life,citizens or country’s resident.Life in interactive connection and indipendently always have their own consequencies;whether in the good sides or bad sides.this differences(the good and bad sides) come from the values and then characters of each human;contrast characters also that have been effected by intrapersonal interaction.Not only limited to the corporal only,human also have emotional feeling that want to be express to others.Human is a really unique creature;it needs to be understand,need to be loved,have dignity,confession,and many other feelings.This responsive of feeling can only be feel when the human connects and give an interaction to others in the contacts of societies.

some people view this creature;human in the nature side(state of nature),which is the character of the creation itself.

State of nature refers to philosophical assertions regarding the condition of humans before social factors are imposed, thus attempting to describe the "natural essence" of human nature.According to John Locke, humans in the state of nature have perfect freedom to order their actions according to the laws of nature. Locke agreed with Thomas Hobbes, that people could do so without having to ask permission to act from any other person, because people are of equal value. People only leave the state of nature when they consent to take part in a community in order to protect their property rights.According to Pelagius, humans in the state of nature are not tainted by original sin, but are instead fully capable of choosing good or evil.While according to social determinism and biological determinism, human behavior is determined by biological and social factors, so people are never truly to blame for actions generally considered "bad" nor truly credited with actions generally considered "good."

So know,the only question is;

‘’how are we going to upgrade this ultimate creation?’’

Well,when i read the question at first,a lot of situation came out in my mind,then finally i have decided to answer the question,on how to upgrade this human creature when it has already alive because if we look closely,the question is to wide.Well,u can say it was only for me,iI really think it is that way.

John A. Laska have said that; ‘’Education is one of the most important activities in which human beings engange. It is by means of the educative process and its role intransmitting the cultural heritage from one generation to the next that human societies are able to meintein their existence. But education does more than just help us to keep the kind of society we already have; it is also one of the major ways in which people try to change or improve their societies….. ‘’

Well,i guess it is clear that education is one of the way to upgrade this creation.In human life,to astride the level of life of one’s life,man need education,either formal or unformal is a guide for human to do everything in his life.this education obviously learned along the societies of the community.

As a human being,we should feel very proud to be created and to be live in this world,and as a human being also,we should grab this chances to learn as much as possible in order to upgrade our life statues.

it is not to late,dont be sad,la tahzan:')

its so awkward for me,saying this to others,because i used to be sad,always,more than my friends,and mostly,and look whos advicing now..haha..,when i get depressed,believe me,u don't wanna know what happened on that day,but looking back at the old me,i started to regret,:')

why am i wasted my wonderful-one time life with such burden in my head??

we should always be thankful,
for all the problems that we had face n through,
it seems that they thought us such a great lesson if we looked it carefully,
look forward n sometimes do look back,
because everytime we decide to make a path,we make it based on what we had gone through.

and that is called EXPERIENCE.

and i am saying this not because i wanna show that i am really know how exactly u guys have been felt before,i just want u guys to know how hard for each of us to live if we always think that we always alone,being dumb,or we are nobody,what so on..because we are not.

ALLAH SWT will always with us,and i really do believe that,

i started grow properly when i met some of my friends,who thought me valuable of life,u must never regret of what u have done,coz once u have step forward,u making the different, whether it's good or not,u have to face it with all responsibility.

walk with pride and dignity,
we all,do have it,
it doesn't matter how people look upon us,
or how many dollar in our pocket,

how we feel about ourselves,
nobody is perfect,
don't punished others because of the way they are,
we should accept them just they way they want it too,

and that's called LIFE.

people are different,don't expect all around you will be the same the way you are.

it is not to late,